Aquila Wealth Advisors, LLC

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"Profit First" -- AquilaNewsletter

Here's the 3 items I've found useful in my reading this week, with my commentary:

1. "Profit First" -- Book recommendation
Amazon link to book

Many of my business owners ask for recommendations to a good business profits resource. Profit First Accounting (PFA) is an effective and simple-to-implement process to make sure your business revenue "works." 


2. "Scaling is Stupid" -- Community Made podcast

For my Lifelong-learners, the Community Made podcast has been a recent, high-quality 'TEDTalk-esque', resource for me.


3. Lou Holtz Inspirational Speech --  6min. Youtube video

If you need a half-cup of inspiration today, a friend recently sent this one to me...


I hope you've found these helpful, and I look forward to reading your responses.

Best regards,

Eric Maldonado, CFP®, MBA, CKA®
Owner, Aquila Wealth Advisors

P.s. If you know someone whom might like this, you're welcome to send it to them.