All in Life Planning

Discover the newest trends in travel & how they could change your life

What does your dream vacation look like?

Are you picturing the white sandy beaches of a tropical island?

Maybe lush wilderness, ancient ruins, or a glittering city?

If you’re like many folks, you want luxury and a longer stay for your next vacation.1

You may even want to connect, heal, or finally experience that once-in-a-lifetime adventure.2

Those are just some of the most popular trends in travel these days.

7 Simple and Powerful Ways to Declutter Your Financial Life

Remember when Marie Kondo took the world by storm with her tidying up routine? Maybe not quite, but let’s roll with it. Her idea is that we can improve our lives by removing clutter and items that no longer “spark joy.”

We can apply similar principles to our financial lives. In this month's Visual Insights Newsletter I've included a 7 point checklist to declutter your financial life.

Click here to see it!

The Cost of Raising Kids

It's no secret that kids cost money.

But how much do they really set you back?

For the average American parent, raising a child comes with a price tag of at least $12,980 every year. By the age of 17, that’s well over $230,000—and that’s before college costs come into play. High-earning families spent even more—over $370,000 according to the research. 1

Of course, child-rearing costs vary from family to family, and it’s far more expensive to raise kids in some high-cost-of-living states, like Oregon and New York.2

Plus, kids don’t magically stop costing you money once they turn 18. College, rent, insurance, and helping out adult children can all add up.

Check out our newsletter here for more on the cost of raising kids.

How to end 2019 strong

How do you want to end 2019?

The way you finish the year will affect how you go into 2020. Why?

Because your state of mind affects your behaviors and energy levels—and if you’re stressed or frustrated, you’re going to have a harder time achieving your goals.1

So, start 2020 right by closing 2019 strong using these tips.

There are a handful of things you can do to close out 2019 the right way, and it’s easier than you think. We share some tips for finishing the year strong (it’s not too late) in this edition of the Aquila Wealth Newsletter. Click here to see it!

How to say "goodbye" to holiday stress and "hello" to a more joyful season

How much joy do you feel during the holidays?

If you’re like many people, the spirit of the season comes with a side of stress.

In fact, research shows that about 2 in 3 people experience holiday stress1— and that the pressure to feel happy is a major source of holiday stress and depression.2

Before holiday stress becomes overwhelming, stop it from snowballing. There’s plenty you can do to manage holiday stress and get more joy out of the season!

In this month’s Aquila Wealth Newsletter, we explore the causes of holiday stress and effective ways to deal with it. Click here to view it.

What does your rich life look like?

The Beatles famously sang, “Money can’t buy me love.”

But, money should be able to buy happiness, right? Or, should it?

If people can buy the things they want, need, and enjoy, it’s seems like money should make them more happy. But it doesn’t always.


Harvard researchers say it’s because people don’t spend it right. They don’t know what makes them happy, so they waste their money on things they think will make them happy but often don’t. They simply don’t know how to use their money to sustain happiness and experience a richer, more meaningful life.1

So, how can you live a rich life? Do you know what your rich life looks like? In this month’s AquilaWealth Visual Insights Newsletter, we explore these questions and share some strategies for living a richer life. Click here to check it out!